Council’s next Ordinary Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 27 June for more details see


Setting Our Future Direction

Council has adopted our future priorities, goals and actions for the next four years.

As part of the recent consultation process Council received over 3000 comments and submissions for our Integrated Strategic Plan.

The  ten priorities the community have helped to develop include: 

  • Build inclusive, safe and connected communities
  • Activate communities through arts, culture and events
  • Support active and healthy communities
  • Improve and maintain road and transport infrastructure
  • Plan and manage appropriate and sustainable development
  • Protect and showcase the natural environment
  • Maintain and grow a robust economy with vibrant towns and villages
  • Deliver reliable services
  • Provide advocacy and transparent leadership through effective government and administration
  • Inform and engage with the community about the decisions that affect their lives

For more information see the Council Report on the Integrated Strategic Plan  here. 


Special Rate Variation

Following approval by IPART Council  has now adopted the special rate variation of 13.2% including the rate peg for the 2017/18 financial year.

Council is the custodian of community assets with a replacement value of approximately $3 billion.

We have a backlog of over $38 million in asset and infrastructure needs. All our assets need to be prioritised so that the greatest needs can then be met.

The additional rate revenue of $7.1 million is earmarked to improve Council’s financial sustainability and for additional maintenance and asset renewals including:

  • additional maintenance on roads ($600,000), parks ($200,000) and buildings ($200,000); and
  • additional Capital Works – Roads ($3.8m) & Streetscapes ($500,000).

Some of the key roads infrastructure that will be delivered for the community as a result of this increase include: 

  • Rebuilding Jindy Andy Lane ($700,000)
  • Milbank Road ($400,000) 
  • Callala Beach Road ( $400,000)
  • Hillcrest Avenue ($300,000)

An additional $2 million will fund bitumen resealing and resurfacing of an additional

30 km of roads, that would otherwise not be done.

Council will also be working hard  to continue to find internal savings, efficiencies and work towards maintaining a balanced budget.

Council has also resolved to continue over the next four years to work towards reducing the deficit of Council.


Council Continue to Support Family Day Care

Council has resolved to keep subsidising family day care services for the Shoalhaven.

The Council service is reliant on federal funding which will be removed from July 2018. Council will continue to lobby for this funding to remain in place into the future.

A report will be provided back to Council in April 2018 when more information about the status of the federal funding is available.

For more information on this see Council’s website.


Roads and Works Update

Coolangatta Road and Bolong Road – Council have been working on the Coolangatta Road upgrade involving the widening and pavement strengthening of the last 1.3km on the eastern end.

Works on Coolangatta Road are now expected to be completed in August weather permitting. 

Road and assets projects are regularly updated on Council’s website


Callala Bay’s New Sun Shelter 

Council has welcomed the allocation of $6,358 in funding for the construction of a sun shelter over the Callala Bay fish cleaning facility through the NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Recreational Fishing Trusts Grant.

This project was put forward to Council and the Recreational Fishing Trust by the Callala Bay Community Association and with Council support was successful in obtaining the NSW Grant funding for the project.